Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Relationship of God with you and purpose of you to come into existence

 Some questions are required to ask ourselves before you die
1. Why God created you (purpose behind your creation)?
2. Did God created you for no reason or maybe there is a reason for you to came into existence?
3. If God created humans then why humans have a sin nature and why humans continuously involving in sin like lust, bad jokes, selfish thinking, anger etc?
4. Among many religions there are many gods but who is exactly the one true God who created you?
Among many religious books who is one true scripture which will lead you to your creator?
You may have heard these lines so many times that all religions lead to you one God but we exactly didn't know who is that?
By creating us what God wants from us exactly?
Also historical evidence matters when you read a religious book or maybe we can say scriptures because historical evidence, events and proof defines the accuracy and truth of the scripture you are reading.
Bible is the only book who has many historical evidences, events and proofs to define his accuracy.
Also bible helps you to help to come out from your sin nature and lead you to holy life for growing a relationship with God?
Bible has all answers for your creation and your life purpose.
If you want to get rid of your sins and want to live a holy and eternal life with God then click the link below.

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Relationship of God with you and purpose of you to come into existence

 Some questions are required to ask ourselves before you die 1. Why God created you (purpose behind your creation)? 2. Did God created you f...