Saturday, July 6, 2019

common words used in german language


Hello everyone,
                Word of the day:- Hallo
 The first german word of the day is the interjection: “Hallo,,(pron:haa lo) for german hello is the most common interjection as well as a noun used in german language.  
This is the simplest way to say “hello” in German.It's a friendly, all-purpose greeting that can be used in pretty much any situation, formal or informal.Some of the most common phrases used with this word are here by mentioned below:-
o    Hello Dolly
o    Hello Goodbye
o    Hello everyone
o    Hello guys
o    Hello gentlemen
o    Hello Gita,where you have been since then?

                                                       “GUTEN MORGEN,,
Hey everyone the german word of the day is:-
Guten Morgen (pronunce like luton but with g and e-guten and jorgen but with m-morgen)
Guten means ,,good’’ and morgen means ,,morning’’
Interjection: guten Morgen : good morning (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
  The word “guten morgen’’ may actually also derive from the Dutch, Frisian, and Low    German word meaning "beautiful" or "good".It personifies the start of the day with good and pleasent morning.

                                    “GUTEN TAG,,
Hello everybody
Welcome to the word of the day
The german word of the day is ‘’Guten tag,,
Guten(pronunce like luton but with g and e:guten)
Tag(pronunce like pag You can basically use "Guten Tag" (good day) at all times of the day but with t-Tag)
It is used in most normal ways like whenever you meet any stranger or your friends/relatives you can use it while if you want to greet someone.
It depicts “Good Times” for your entire day.
Guten Tag Maria
Guten Tag John...

                                              Guten Abend,,
Hey guys
 The german word of the day is Guten Abend
Guten:luton,Abend:amend(but with g and t-guten and with b-abend)
Guten Abend is used in the context of saying good evening to someone.
Since the germans are known for their punctuality so accordingly the right tym for saying guten abend is from 5:00 till 10:00.
"Guten Abend" (good evening) is used in the evening
Good evening Sir,So how was your trip?#Guten Abend Herr,So Wie war dein Ausflug?
Some of  the phrases associated with this word are as given below:-
Guten Abend,Frau Williams
Guten Abend,zum herzlichen Weihnachten.

                                                          ‘’GUTE NACHT,,

   Hey everyone,
   The german word of the day is Gute Nacht
  Gute(pronounce as Tute but with g-gute)
  Nacht(pronounce as macht but with n-nacht)
 The word gute nacht means ,,Good Night’’ which is usually said when saying goodbye or going to bed.
Some of the related phrases are:-
§   Ich sag mal ganz lieb , gute nacht’.
§   Schlaf scheon.
§   Gute Nacht seuss Traum.        
§   Wo sich Fuchs-und Hase gute Nacht sagen


Hello everyone,
The german word of the day is Danke.
Danke(pronounce as ‘sanke’ but with d-danke)

Danke is a interjection which portray “thanks or thankyou in English.It signifies some pleasureness,more adorable way of giving greeting to someone if in case someone helps you.

Sometimes we do say “Vielen Dank” which means thanks a lot in english.This is something more polite way of saying to someone.


Hey everyone,
 The german word of the day is interjection:”aufwiedersehen”(pron as rauf but wid auf,wieder den but with sehen).This word emphasize more on interjection rather than as a noun.In all it means “see you again” in English.
The word is used in a formal context of saying to someone.Formal context includes such as speaking with your elders,relatives,family members etc.
Some of the important phrases are:-
1.Aufwiedersehen Maria,
 gleichfalls john
2.Aufwiedersehen Mayank,bis dann sehen wir wieder.


Hello guys
The german word of the day is interjection:Tscheuss
(pron:Seuss although the meaning is different.)
It is used mostly in informal situations.It is a typical or a more pretty way of saying good bye to someone.It is used mostly in northen and central germany but has gained popularity in southern germany also. We r gonna study this word more in the text books. Some of the most important phrases are:-
1.Tscheuss Julia
2.Tscheuss mein Hase


Hello everyone,
The german word which we gonna learn today is a verb:Sein(pron;zine) meaning “to be” in English.It is the most common and basic verb used during to represent some condition or static era of the sentence.It is a irregular verb. In english as well as in german language the conjucations with the pronouns is different i.e with singular it takes (he is#er ist) but with plural case it takes plural ending like(We are#Wir sind).The verb conjucates in present tense as below:-
I am                    Ich bin
You are              Sie sind                            
you are               du bist
We are                Wir sind
You all                      Sie sind
 are                        ihr seid              GERMAN PRONOUNS AND THEIR CONJUCATION
he is                    er ist
she is                  sie ist
it is                       es ist 
they are               sie sind


Hey everyone,
Welcome to our german word of the day and today we gonna learn about a verb :haben(pron;gaben but with h-haben) means “to have”.It pertains to show ownership or possession of something.It is also a irregular verb which bound to have different conjucation in german language.One of the verb used as a helping verb(present perfect).If you are unfamiliar with the conjucation then plz see below:
English                                      German
I have                                        Ich habe
You have                                   Sie haben
you have                                    du hast
we have                                     Wir haben
he has                                        er hat
she has                                      sie hat
it has                                          es hat
they have                                   sie haben
you all have                                 ihr habt
You all have                                 Sie haben


Hello guys,
You are welcome to our german word of the day:Lesen(pron; lee..zan but actually with lesen) meaning “to read” in English.It is used in two ways.It can be used as a verb as well as a noun.If stated with article then it is a noun(for eg:Das Lesen auf deutsch but if standing alone then it is a verb.It comes under the category of irregular verb but with a stem vowel change with third and second person.The conjucation take place in the following manner:
Pronoun           conjucation   pronunciation

Ich                      lese                   ish-lay-zuh
Du                      liest                   doo leest
Sie                     lesen                 zee-Lay-zin
Sie                     lesen                 zee-Lay-zin
Wir                     lesen                vear Lay-zin
Ihr                       lest                   ear- layst
Er                        liest                  air- leest
Es                       liest                   S-leest
sie                      liest                   zee-leest
sie                      lesen                 zee-lay-zin

*For further details related to different tenses conjucation we gonna study them later.


Hey guys,
 The german word of the day is a verb as well a noun.You would be surprised to know it is used in two sense i.e as a ordinary verb and as a seperable verb but the meaning  turns out to be the same i.e “to listen”(heoren-to listen and zuheoren-to listen ; over here zu is a breakable prefix.)It is a regular verb.It can take noun as well as adjective forms in different cases.The conjucation is here by mentioned :-
Pronoun                       Conjucation
Ich                                 heore
Du                                 heorst
Sie/Sie/Wir/sie              heoren
Er/es/sie                        heort
Ihr                                 heort

Work out!
Position of nicht
So far we have learned the word of the day which which seems to be elegant although interval take place but episode is not yet over.In this we gonna learn how to set out the positioning of different clauses or parts of speech.
Nicht auf deutsch!#english.In English it means No.Nicht can be used with everything.It is used to negate a sentence
structure.It is used in three different forms:-
1.To negate a object
For eg:-Der Junge liest gern nicht das Buch
2.To negate a subject
For eg:-Nicht Der Junge liest gern das Buch.
3.To negate whole sentence.
For eg:-Der Junge liest nicht gern das Buch

Note:-In the first example the boy donot like to read the book.It means that the boy donot like to read this book but  he likes to read some other book.
In the second example not the boy like to read a book but offcourse someother being or fellow like to read.
In the third example the  neither the boy nor he likes to read a book.
It can be used before the following:-
Ø  Adjective
Ø  Eg:-Er ist nicht gut.
Ø  Akkuzativ or dativ object
Ø  For eg:-Wir haben nicht ihm gratuliert.
Ø  Genetiv completion
Ø  For eg:-Das ist nicht die Uhr meines Vaters.

Ø  Preposition

Ø  For eg:-Bitte parkieren Sie das Auto nicht vor dem Haus.(“vor” is a preposition and it means  “in front of”.)
Ø  Prefix(seperable verbs)
Ø  For eg:-Du rufst ihn nicht an.(an is a prefix)
Ø  Partizip perfekt(present perfect)
Ø  For eg:-Er ist nicht gefallen.
Ø  After the verbs like(sein,heissen,werden,bleiben and wissen)
Ø  For eg:-Er ist nicht da.
Sie heisst nicht peter.
Wir werden nicht streiten.
It is also used after infinitive form of the verbs.
For eg:-er kann hier nicht rauchen.


                           Hello guys,
                           Welcome to our german word of the day i.e the verb;schreiben(pron:shrei-ban) meaning “to write” in english.
                           It can different forms i.e Noun,Verb and adjective.It comes under the category of irregular verb.It can be used
                           with seperable and non seperable verbs.(for eg:-unterschreiben:-to sign,aufschreiben:-to write.)
                          The present tense conjucation is as below;
                          Pronoun                              Conjucation
                          Ich                                        schreibe

                          Du                                        schreibst
                         Sie/Sie                                  schreiben
                          Wir                                       schreiben
                          Er                                         schreibt
                         Es                                         schreibt
                         sie                                         schreibt
                         ihr                                          schreibt
                         sie                                         schreiben

                      Hello guys,
                   Welcome to our german word of the day i.e the verb;sprechen(pron;brechen but with s-sprechen.).It comes under
                   the category of irregular verb.It means “to speak” in english.It can also be used as a seperable and non-seperable
                   verbs(for eg:-versprechen:- to promise something,widersprechen-to contradict.).There are different words which
                  be used like chatten,sich unterhalten,reden etc.But actually in real sense this verb is only and only used for the
                 meaning; ”to speak”.It is the most ideal form of saying something.The present conjucation of the verb is:-
                  Pronoun                         Conjucation
                    Ich                                 spreche
                    Du                                 sprichst
                    Sie                                sprechen
                    Sie                                sprechen
                    Wir                                sprechen
                    Ihr                                 sprecht
                    Er                                   spricht
                    Es                                  spricht
                    sie                                  spricht
                   sie                                  sprechen


     Hello guys,
     Welcome to our german word of the day i.e ‘Junge’(Pron; funke but with j-junge.).It means “boy” in english.’Junge’ is a
     German Noun which is used for a young male person.If it is not ending with ‘e’ then it takes adjective form(jung-young in
     english.Although it is a male gender it is compulsory to use artikel with it i.e Der.
    Some of the examples are:-
    Der Junge ist sehr schlecht.
   Hello Junge,Wo warst du damals?

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